All the responsible of providing the web services, server space & the maintainace of the servers are taken by the web hosting companies.This web hosting server providers use to host the websites of the companies and the people.Mainly there are the two types of the web hosting services which the most providers use to provide the either kinds.
One of the web hosting types is the shared hosting which is also known as the mass hosting or the virtual hosting.The system of it's working is creating the individual content and the applications which are keept on the servers.This also use to hold the different individual applications and the contents.The above describe othere individuals is also one of the customers of same web hosting companies.All of the server and the equipment content which are are placed on is controlled and managed by web hosting providers.These companies use to keep the advanced and well trained technicians for managing and monitoring the servers.
Due to the real things or fact things and the it working efficiency, low expensivity the shared hosting is mostly use by the companies.However, the shared hosting companies have it's own limitation.Some of the applications and the scripts cann't be used but the users can or the users use to be able to customize it.They can add the shopping carts features and some othere online catalogue for their benefits.The most important things that you need to understand is the control panel which the web hosting companies use to provide for you.While searching the web hosting companies it is necessary to to find whether they are providing the shared hosting management tools or not, because it allows the users for using the shared hosting as well as they also get the benefits from the dedicated hosting.

There are different types of the web hosting companies except the dedicated and shared hosting, but these are two main types.There are also other branches of this types.But main things is you need to find out the advantage and the disadvantage and which is best for you and your companies.Therefore while choosing the any types you must make the options for it.
The differences between the dedicated and the shared server:
After all we know that the web hosting is the services that are the server are providing to allows the server uset to keep their website in the world of internet for public for viewing.So while choosing any types of the web hosting services the users must decide the name of domain and have to register too.So the users have the three choices for web hosting service that the web hosting companies are offering called the shared web hosting, server hosting and the dedicated server hosting.
These web hosting services are classified on the basis of amount of control that the web hosting user want to use or have & the degree of responsibility which the web hosting user must share for smooth & consistent runnings of theirs sites.Therefore now let us talk about the shared server and the dedicated server hosting.
The shared web hosting
This title define the the meaning, in the shared web hosting services different users use to upload theirs website and use to run them on the same shared server which is opted by the beginner, small business, the individuals and the large organistions.They have less requirement of disk space and the bandwidth.This is on use when web hosting users do not have expected the much visitors or traffics for flowing inns.
All the facilities of the server maintenanace and organization servers, updating the security, installations of the softwares etc are use to managed by the web hosting providers & help for the accountable too.These web hosting server provider used to use the software like the Helm, Direct Admin etc as the control panel for controlling the servers.As the Linux OS use to give more compatible control panel so must of the shared web server use to work for it.
There are also some of the web hositng provider which use to provide the Microsoft window platfrom and the Free BSD too.The main advantage of it is this is one of the cheaper and it is in huge number too.There are also many web hosting services which can not provide the facilities of the window web hositng.But this can be run by in two method that is IP based or name base.Therefore in the name base different names of the IP can be used therefore in the dedicated IP based for every website.
The dedicated web hosting:
As it's name suggest the dedicated web hosting use to dedicate the web server for each website and other website also can shares under any cases.When the web hosting users wants to get more visitors or traffics than it is use.The dedicated web hosting use to provide the more bandwidth the shared and use to be able to handle more traffic with much more eases.This things are also necessary if you means the users want to have secure informations, complex app and the customised options on your or users website.
The hundred percent controls togetherwith the hundred percent responsibilities for running the website & the very best work performance of user's website is given by the dedicated server hosting.So because of these problems in the future the web hosting must need the proper management for monitoring & rectifying any sorts of the problems immediately.This types of the web hosting could be choosed by the professionals who requires to have the full controls by commercial website or by the large organizations for uploading.